wvs flow

Shows help messages for all flow commands.


  -h, --help   help for flow

wvs flow registry

Display the flows available in the registry


Displays a list of available flows in the registry.

wvs flow registry [flags]


  -h, --help      help for registry
      --pending   List pending flows instead of approved ones

wvs flow about

Displays the readme file for a flow definition.


Opens the default browser to a page displaying the readme page for the flow definition. The page is maintained by the flow author.

If an existing flow instance with the specified name is found, the readme page for the corresponding flow definition is displayed. If no instance with the specified name, the flow registry is searched for a flow definition with the specified name and the readme for that definition is displayed.

If the readme is being displayed for a specific flow instance, the readme page that is displayed uses the same reference as the flow instance itself (defref), so the version of the readme will be in sync with the version of the definition being used.

If the readme is being displayed for a flow definition from the registry, the readme for the latest version is displayed.

wvs flow about <flow_name> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for about

wvs flow add

Adds a new flow to the project


Adds a new instance of the specified flow to the project.

All flow instances must have unique names to identify them. If the –name flag is not specified, a unique (but not necessarily user friendly) name will be generated by the system.

wvs flow add <flowname> [flags]


  -h, --help          help for add
  -n, --name string   Name for the flow instance

wvs flow connect

Connects the output of one flow to the input of another.


Connects the output of one flow to the input of another. A common use, for example, is to connect the output of a build flow to a deploy flow.

At its most verbose, the command requires you to enter the names of the source flow and output variable of that flow, as well as the name of the destination flow and the input variable of that flow.

However, the names of the output variable of the source flow and the input variable of the destination flow are optional and the system will attempt to deduce them if possible. If it is not possible, it will output an error message to that effect and prompt the user to to enter the names explicitly.

Note the “to” keyword between the source flow parameters and the destination flow paramters. It must be provided in the correct position.

wvs flow connect <source_flow> [<source_output_var>] to <dest_flow> [<dest_input_var>] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for connect

wvs flow delete

Deletes a flow instance


Deletes a flow instance assigned to this project as identified by the id reported by status.

wvs flow delete <flow_name> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

wvs flow run

Runs the specified flow(s) on the server


Immediately runs the specified flows on the server, on the current branch. If there are an preceding flows in the flow chain, they will be run first.

The specified flows will be run regardless of whether the are enabled or set to manual / automatic.

If the –ref option is used to specify a reference, the permissible values are a branch name, or a tag name.

wvs flow run [flow1 flow2 ...] [flags]


  -h, --help         help for run
  -r, --ref string   Git reference to use instead of current branch

wvs flow disable

Disables a flow instance


Disables a flow instance assigned to this project as identified by the id reported by status.

wvs flow disable <flow_name> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for disable

wvs flow enable

Enables a flow instance


Enables a flow instance assigned to this project as identified by the id reported by status.

wvs flow enable <flow_name> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for enable

wvs flow inspect

Inspects a flow instance


Prints out all details about the specified flow instance.

wvs flow inspect <flow_name> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for inspect

wvs flow set

Show help message for all ‘set’ commands


  -h, --help   help for set

wvs flow set branch

Set the list of branches on which this flow can be triggered.


If one or more branch names are set using this command, then the flow will only be triggered on those branches. If this command is issued without any branches being named, the list of branches is cleared out and the the flow will be triggered on any branch. Branch names are case sensitive.

Using the –add option will add the provided branch names to the list of branch names, leaving existing names unmodified.

Using the –delete option will delete the provided branch names from the list of branch names.

wvs flow set branch <flow_name> [<branch>] ... [flags]


      --add      Add specified branches to list
      --delete   Delete specified branches from list
  -h, --help     help for branch

wvs flow set change

Set the list of change patterns on which this flow can be triggered.


If one or more paths are set using this command, then the flow will only be triggered on those changes that match one or more of those paths. If this command is issued without any paths being named, the list of change paths is cleared out and the the flow will be triggered regardless of which files changed.

IMPORTANT: All paths and patterns must be specified using the forward slash character “/”. This means that if you are on windows and are using the shell’s file completion, or copying file paths from the file browser, you will need to change the windows-native backslash “" character to a forward slash “/”.

The change paths use a standard glob syntax. They should always be specified relative to the root of the project directory. If using wildcard characters, each change entry provided should be enclosed in quotes.

The wildcard characters are:

/**/   - match zero or more directories
{a,b}  - match a or b, no spaces
*      - match any non-separator char
?      - match a single non-separator char
**/    - match any directory, start of pattern only
/**    - match any this directory, end of pattern only

If your repository contains a directory called Content, which in turn contains many subdirectories, then The following entry would match all .jpg files in any subdirectory of Content.


The following entry, however, would match all .jpg files in Content, but not those in any subdirectory of content:


Using the –add option will add the provided change pattern to the list of change patterns, leaving existing ones unmodified.

Using the –delete option will delete the provided change pattern from the list of change patterns.

wvs flow set change <flow_name> [<change_pattern>] ... [flags]


      --add      Add specified change patterns to list
      --delete   Delete specified change patterns from list
  -h, --help     help for change

wvs flow set defref

Sets the ref for the flow definition


Sets the ref that defines the version of the flow definition that this instance is tied to.

wvs flow set defref <flow_name> <ref> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for defref
      --list   List the available and recommended versions

wvs flow set displayName

Sets the name the UI should display for this flow instance.


Flow instances are identified by the name of the file in which the flow instances is saved inside the project. The displayName attribute defines an alternative name which is used in the UI. The advantage of displayName over the default name is that it can contain spaces and special characters.

wvs flow set displayName <flow_name> <display_name> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for displayName

wvs flow set engineTargetPlatform

Set the platform you are targeting with the output.


The engineTargetPlatform indicates the platform that then engine outputput, whatever it may be, is intended for. For example, in the case of a “build” flow, it specifies which target the resulting executable is intended to run on.

This field does not specify the platform on which the build will actually take place. For example, for engines that support cross platform building, the platform on which the build actually takes place might not be the same as the platform on which the resulting executable from the build is intended to run. Android builds, for instance, using Unity can be made either on a windows platform, or an Linux platform.

wvs flow set engineTargetPlatform <flow_name> <target_platform> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for engineTargetPlatform

wvs flow set engineVersion

Set the version of the engine to use.


Flow instances that require an engine to run need to specify the version of the engine that is being used by the flow. The system may auto assign this value when the flow instance is first created but it can be changed at any time.

This value specifies the engineVersion to be used for this specific flow instance and has no impact on other flow instances.

The value of engineVersion does not need to be identical to the version being used at the desktop. This is useful, for example, to test assets or plugins with versions of the engine that you do not have installed.

wvs flow set engineVersion <flow_name> <engine_version_string> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for engineVersion

wvs flow set flavor

Sets the flavor attribute for this flow instance.


The flavor attribute of the flow instance is used for grouping of flows in the UI. It is an arbitrary value that is entirely up to the user to determine. It is case sensitive and can include spaces and special characters. The UI may use the flavor field to group flow instances when appropriate.

wvs flow set flavor <flow_name> <flavor> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for flavor

wvs flow set manualOnly

Enables/disables automatic triggering of flow instance.


If manualOnly is set to true, then all automatic triggering of the flow instance is disabled and the only way that the flow is run is if the string defined by manualTrigger is found in the commit message. If manualOnly is set to false, the flow can be triggered automatically, or with the manualTrigger.

wvs flow set manualOnly <flow_name> <true/false> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for manualOnly

wvs flow set manualTrigger

Sets the trigger string for manual triggering


Sets the trigger string, which, if found in a commit message triggers this flow. The presence or absence of this string does not impact the automatic triggering of the flow

wvs flow set manualTrigger <flow_name> <trigger_string> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for manualTrigger

wvs flow set requireExecCores

Set the minimum core count for the machine running the flow.


Sets a request for the minimum number of cores that the machine running this flow instance should have. The system attempts to honor the request but cannot guarantee it.

Flow definitions can optionally set this value and it becomes the default value for any new flow instance. The flow instance can override the default definition. Care must be taken when overriding the flow defined default downwards as it going against the advice of the flow author and may result in very long execution times.

wvs flow set requireExecCores <flow_name> <count> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for requireExecCores

wvs flow set requireExecMemoryGB

Set the minimum memory for the machine running the flow.


Sets a request for the minimum amount of RAM that the machine running this flow instance should have. The system attempts to honor the request but cannot guarantee it.

Flow definitions can optionally set this value and it becomes the default value for any new flow instance. The flow instance can override the default definition. Care must be taken when overriding the flow defined default downwards as it going against the advice of the flow author and may result in a OOM condition. We all know that flow authors know best.

wvs flow set requireExecMemoryGB <flow_name> <gigabytes> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for requireExecMemoryGB

wvs flow set variable

Sets a variable name


Sets a variable name for the specified flow. The named variable must be a recognized input variable for the flow.

wvs flow set variable <flow_name> <varName> <varValue> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for variable

wvs flow setup

Sets up the project to successfully run flows


Examines the project and sets the necessary project and flow settings to allow flows to successfully run.

If the project has already been setup, or partially setup, this command will only do what is necessary.

Some of the setup steps require the user to have a “maintainer” role on the project. If this command is invoked by a non-maintainer and one of those setup steps needs to be performed, the command will stop with an error.

wvs flow setup [flags]


  -h, --help   help for setup

wvs flow status

Display status of project flows


Displays the status of all flows that have instances assigned to this project, whether they are enabled or disabled.

If the –json flag is specified, the returned json structure contains all available flow attributes, not just the ones displayed in the human readable non-json output.

wvs flow status [flags]


  -f, --followers      Show all followers
  -h, --help           help for status
      --json           Output is JSON instead of human readable.
  -p, --predecessors   Show all predecessors

wvs flow validate

Validate project flows


Validates all the flows assigned to the project and displays and errors that would be displayed if the flow set was run. Flows that are disabled have only very minimal check performed.

wvs flow validate [flags]


  -h, --help   help for validate

See also

  • wvs - A Command Line Interface for interacting with a Wevr Virtual Studio.