Project settings

The Project Settings page in WVS provides a centralized home for your project configuration options. To access it, go to your project’s homepage and, in the left navigation menu, select Project Settings. To reduce complexity, settings are grouped by topic into sections. To display all settings in a section, select Expand.

Only users who have the Maintainer role for the project and administrators can access project settings.

General settings

Under a project’s general settings, you can find everything concerning the functionality of a project.

General project settings

Adjust your project’s name, description, avatar, default branch, and topics:

The project description also partially supports standard Markdown. You can use emphasis, links, and line-breaks to add more context to the project description.

Sharing and permissions

For your repository, you can set up features such as public access, repository features, documentation, access permissions, and more. To do so from your project, go to Project Settings > General, and expand the Visibility, project features, permissions section.

You can now change the Project visibility. If you set Project Visibility to public, you can limit access to some features to Only Project Members. In addition, you can select the option to Allow users to request access.

Use the switches to enable or disable the following features:

Option More access limit options Description
Issues Activates the WVS issues tracker.
Repository Enables repository functionality
Merge requests Enables merge request functionality; also see Merge request settings.
Forks Enables forking functionality.
Git Large File Storage (LFS)   Enables the use of large files.
Packages   Supports configuration of a package registry functionality.
CI/CD Enables CI/CD functionality.
Container Registry   Activates a registry for your Docker images.
Analytics Enables analytics.
Requirements Control access to Requirements Management.
Security & Compliance Control access to security features.
Wiki Enables a separate system for documentation.
Snippets Enables sharing of code and text.
Pages Allows you to publish static websites.
Operations Control access to Operations-related features, including Operations Dashboard, Environments and Deployments, Feature Flags.
Metrics Dashboard Control access to metrics dashboard.

Some features depend on others:

  • If you disable the Issues option, WVS also removes the following features:
    • Issue Boards
    When the Issues option is disabled, you can still access Milestones from merge requests.
  • Additionally, if you disable both Issues and Merge Requests, you cannot access:
    • Milestones
  • If you disable Repository functionality, WVS also disables the following features for your project:
    • Merge requests
    • CI/CD
    • Git Large File Storage
  • Metrics dashboard access requires reading both project environments and deployments.

Disabling email notifications

Project owners can disable all email notifications related to the project by selecting the Disable email notifications checkbox.

Merge request settings

Set up your project’s merge request settings:

Export project

Learn how to export a project in WVS.

Advanced settings

Here you can archive, rename, transfer, remove a fork relationship, or delete a project.

Archiving a project

Archiving a project makes it read-only for all users and indicates that it’s no longer actively maintained. Projects that have been archived can also be unarchived. Only project owners and administrators have the permissions to archive a project.

When a project is archived, the repository, packages, issues, merge requests, and all other features are read-only. Archived projects are also hidden in project listings.

To archive a project:

  1. Navigate to your project and go to Project Settings > General.
  2. Under Advanced, click Expand.
  3. In the Archive project section, click the Archive project button.
  4. Confirm the action when asked to.

Unarchiving a project

Unarchiving a project removes the read-only restriction on a project, and makes it available in project listings. Only project owners and administrators have the permissions to unarchive a project.

To find an archived project:

  1. Sign in to WVS as the project owner
  2. If you:
    • Have the project’s URL, open the project’s page in your browser.
    • Don’t have the project’s URL:
      1. On the top bar, select My Projects > View all Projects.
      2. Select Explore projects.
      3. In the Sort projects dropdown box, select Show archived projects.
      4. In the Filter by name field, provide the project’s name.
      5. Click the link to the project to open its Details page.

Next, to unarchive the project:

  1. Navigate to your project’s Settings > General.
  2. Under Advanced, click Expand.
  3. In the Unarchive project section, click the Unarchive project button.
  4. Confirm the action when asked to.

Renaming a repository

Only project maintainers and administrators have the permissions to rename a repository. Not to be confused with a project’s name where it can also be changed from the general project settings.

A project’s repository name defines its URL (the one you use to access the project via a browser) and its place on the file disk where WVS is installed.

To rename a repository:

  1. Navigate to your project and go to Project Settings > General.
  2. Under Advanced, click Expand.
  3. Under Change path, update the repository’s path.
  4. Click Change path.

Remember that this can have unintended side effects since everyone with the old URL can’t push or pull. Read more about what happens with the redirects when renaming repositories.

Transferring an existing project into another namespace

Only project owners and administrators have the permissions to transfer a project.

You can transfer an existing project into a group.


  • You must have at least the Maintainer role in that group.
  • You must be the Owner of that project.
  • The group to which the project is being transferred to must allow creation of new projects.
  • The project must not contain any container images.
    • If you transfer a project to a different root namespace, the project must not contain any NPM packages.

To transfer a project:

  1. Navigate to your project and go to Project Settings > General.
  2. Under Advanced, click Expand.
  3. Under “Transfer project”, choose the namespace you want to transfer the project to.
  4. Confirm the transfer by typing the project’s path as instructed.

Once done, you are redirected to the new project’s namespace. At this point, read what happens with the redirects from the old project to the new one.

Delete a project

You can mark a project to be deleted.


  • You must have at least the Owner role for a project.

To delete a project:

  1. On the top bar, select My Projects > View All Projects and find your project.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Project Settings > General.
  3. Expand Advanced.
  4. In the “Delete project” section, select Delete project.
  5. Confirm the action when asked to.

This action deletes a project including all associated resources (issues, merge requests, and so on).

Removing a fork relationship

Forking is a great way to contribute to a project of which you’re not a member. If you want to use the fork for yourself and don’t need to send merge requests to the upstream project, you can safely remove the fork relationship.

Once removed, the fork relationship cannot be restored. You can’t send merge requests to the source, and if anyone has forked your project, their fork also loses the relationship.

To do so:

  1. Navigate to your project and go to Project Settings > General > Advanced.
  2. Under Remove fork relationship, click the likewise-labeled button.
  3. Confirm the action by typing the project’s path as instructed.
Only project owners have the permissions to remove a fork relationship.