Run flows

Occasionally, you’ll want to run just a single flow or automated build. Projects with flows or automated builds set up usually require a change to the project/repository for the flows to trigger. Different flow configurations are available. Depending on your setup, when you trigger flows automatically, multiple flows will trigger. You can also setup your project to trigger specific flows to run manually, whether they’re enabled or disabled.


When you’re in your project on the web, you can run your flows by going to ‘Flows > Pipelines’ and clicking the ‘Run pipeline` button. When you use the ‘Run pipeline’ button, it will trigger all of your flows to run, the same way it would if you checked in a change into your repository or project.

WVS CLI tool

If you’re using the CLI tool (version 1.3.65+) you have a few more options when it comes to triggering your builds.

Run a specific flow

In the CLI you can trigger a specific flow or automated build to run with the flow run command.
This triggers a flow or automated build to run on the branch that you’re currently working in.

To see the help menu, run wvs flow run --help
wvs flow run <flowInstanceName>

To trigger multiple builds, you can run the following:

wvs flow run <flowInstanceName1> <flowInstanceName2> <flowInstanceName3>

Run a specific flow on specific branch or at specific tag

You could trigger a flow to run without having to switch your working branch or with a specific tag.

For example, if you have a flow instance called “windowsBuild” on your branch called “release”, you can trigger a build without switching your local repo with the following command:

wvs flow run windowseBuild --ref release

You can do the same with tags. If you setup a tag LKG to the commit that produced the “last known good” build, and you want to run the flow “demoRenders” it, you can run:

wvs flow run demoRenders --red LKG

Connected Flows

Some flows have connected flows. For instance, you want your mobile flow to deploy to testflight so you’ll have a mobile flow connected to a deploy flow. You don’t have to worry about the order, you can run the deploy flow and it will find the connected flow and will trigger that first. If you run the mobile flow, it will trigger the mobile flow and automatically trigger the deploy flow when the first flow completes.

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