Enable or disable flows

This page shows you how to enable or disable a flow instance in your WVS project. Once you’ve added flows to your project, you may need to enable or disable certain flows during different stages of development. Disabled flows are still in your project but they don’t run when the automation pipeline of your project is triggered.

Check whether a flow is enabled or disabled

To check whether the flows in your project are enabled or disabled, run the following command:

wvs flow status

The command returns something like the following:

C:\wvsProjects\ue4-shootergame>wvs flow status

  Name                  Display Name          Source Flow           Ctgry       Enabled
  LinuxNoPak            Linux no pak          UE Linux Build        build       true
  LinuxPak              Linux pak             UE Linux Build        build       true
  SendToDropbox         Send to Dropbox       Copy to Dropbox       deploy      false



The Enabled column shows whether a flow is enabled or disabled. A value of true means that the flow is enabled and a value of false means that the flow is disabled.

Enable flow instances

You can enable a disabled flow in your WVS project at any time to include it in the automation pipeline of your project. For flows with dependencies, you must enable predecessor flows before you can enable follower flows.

Check for predecessor flows

To check whether a flow has predecessors, run the following command:

wvs flow status --predecessors

The command returns something like the following:

C:\wvsProjects\ue4-shootergame>wvs flow status --predecessors

  Name                  Display Name          Source Flow           Ctgry       Enabled
  ZipToS3               To S3 ZipAll          Deploy S3             deploy      true
  ZipAll                Zip All               Zip                   other       true

    'ZipToS3' Depends on:


In this example, you must enable ZipAll before you can enable ZipToS3.

Enable a flow

To enable a flow instance in your WVS project, run the following command:

wvs flow enable <FLOW_NAME>

Replace <FLOW_NAME> with the name of your flow.

Disable flow instances

You can disable a flow at any time to exclude it from the automation pipeline of your project. For flows with dependencies, you must disable follower flows before you can disable the predecessor flow.

Check for follower flows

To check whether a flow has followers, run the following command:

wvs flow status --followers

The command returns something like the following:

C:\wvsProjects\ue4-shootergame>wvs flow status --followers

  Name                  Display Name          Source Flow           Ctgry       Enabled
  ZipToS3               To S3 ZipAll          Deploy S3             deploy      true
  ZipAll                Zip All               Zip                   other       true

    'ZipAll' is a prerequisite for:


In this example, you must disable ZipToS3 before you can disable ZipAll.

Disable a flow

To disable a flow instance in your WVS project, run the following command:

wvs flow disable <FLOW_NAME>

Replace <FLOW_NAME> with the name of your flow.


If you want to disable LinuxNoPak and enable SendToDropbox in your WVS project, you would run the following commands:

wvs flow disable LinuxNoPak & wvs flow enable SendToDropbox

Then check the status of the flows:

wvs flow status

The command returns something like the following:

C:\wvsProjects\ue4-shootergame>wvs flow disable LinuxNoPak & wvs flow enable SendToDropbox

C:\wvsProjects\ue4-shootergame>wvs flow status

  Name                  Display Name          Source Flow           Ctgry       Enabled
  LinuxNoPak            Linux no pak          UE Linux Build        build       false
  LinuxPak              Linux pak             UE Linux Build        build       true
  SendToDropbox         Send to Dropbox       Copy to Dropbox       deploy      true



Now you can see that LinuxNoPak is disabled and SendToDropbox is enabled.

Next steps