Add flows to your project

This page shows you how to add flows to your project and configure them for different purposes. You can either add pre-built flows from the flows registry or add custom flows that you or your team created.

To learn how to create custom flows, see Create custom flows.


You must install the WVS Desktop client.

Add flows from the flow registry

The flows registry on WVS contains an expanding list of pre-built flows for common tasks, including creating and deploying builds, rendering artwork, and generating reports. You can add flows from the flow registry to any of your WVS projects with little to no configuration.

List available flows

To see a list of available flows from the flows registry, navigate to your WVS project’s directory and run the following command:

wvs flow registry

The command returns something like the following:

C:\wvsProjects\ue5_shooter_game>wvs flow registry

    Flow Name                    Description
    archive_zip                  Zip a set of input artifacts into a single output artifact.
    build_ue_game_linux          Basic Build for Unreal Engine projects targeting Linux.
    build_ue_game_quest          Basic Game Build for Unreal Engine projects targeting the Oculus Quest.
    build_ue_game_ship_windows     Shipping Game Build for Unreal Engine projects targeting Windows
    build_ue_game_test_windows      Test Game Build for Unreal Engine projects targeting Windows
    build_ue_game_windows        Development Game Build for Unreal Engine projects targeting Windows.
    build_unity_android          Android build for Unity
    build_unity_webgl            WebGL Build for Unity
    build_unity_windows          Windows build for Unity
    deploy_oculus                Deploy a build to a channel in your Oculus developer account.
    deploy_s3                    Deploy an artifact to an S3 bucket of the user's choice


Add a flow from the flow registry

To add a flow from the flow registry, run the following command:

wvs flow add <FLOW_NAME> [--name <FLOW_INSTANCE_NAME>]


  • FLOW_NAME is the name of the flow as displayed in the flow registry.
  • FLOW_INSTANCE_NAME is the name that you want to give to the instance of the flow that you’re adding to your project. If you don’t specify a flow instance name, a name is automatically generated for you. However, generated names are uninformative, so we recommend that you specify a name.


In the following example, we add the deploy_oculus flow to the ue5_shooter_game project and name it deployOculus. To check whether the flow is added, we run wvs flow status.

C:\wvsProjects\ue5_shooter_game>wvs flow add deploy_oculus --name deployOculus

C:\wvsProjects\ue5_shooter_game>wvs flow status

  Name                  Display Name          Source Flow           Ctgry       Enabled
  deployOculus          deployOculus          Deploy Oculus         deploy      true


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