Collaborate on Project

Wevr Virtual Studio (WVS) allows all types of users to collaborate on the same project.

Ways to Collaborate on a Project in WVS

This page covers how you can collaborate on any WVS project. But there are some differences when collaborating on public projects versus private projects.

Learn the unique aspects of collaborating publically or privately on the following pages:

Become a Project Member

Collaborate on any WVS project by becoming a member of a project. There are many ways to become a member.

  • Create a Project: Creating a project makes you the first member of that project.
  • Explore Community Projects and ask to become a member of one. (TBD. Need more info on how to do this.)
  • Know a private WVS project’s management and ask them for an invite. (TBD. Need more info on how to do this.)
  • Other ways to become a project member? (TBD. Need more info on how to do this.)

Communicate via the WVS Web App.

The WVS Web App aids collaboration in several ways.

  • Here are the ways to the WVS Web App aids collaboration:
  • Invite Collaborators: Atop most pages in the WVS Web App, like, there is a link to Invite Collaborators.
    1. Click Invite Collaborators to bring up the invite form.
    2. Fill in the email of who you’d like to add as a collaborator.
  • WVS Web App Collaboration item #2 TBD
  • WVS Web App Collaboration item #1 TBD

Communicate via the WVS Discord.

The WVS Discord server is a great place to communicate with others publically about your

  • WVS Discord Collaboration item #1 TBD
  • WVS Discord Collaboration item #2 TBD
  • WVS Discord Collaboration item #3 TBD