Clone Project in the CLI

Before you get started

Ensure your clients are authenticated. Open your Command Prompt or Terminal.


wvs authenticate

How to clone a project in the WVS CLI

Clone with SSH

  1. In WVS Projects locate your project and click the name of the project to clone.
  2. Click Clone found on the right. You now have four choices:
    • Click Clone with SSH
    • Click Clone with HTTPS
    • Open in your IDE - Visual Studio Code (SSH)
    • Open in your IDE - Visual Studio Code (HTTPS)

  3. Click on Clone with SSH
  4. In your Command Prompt or Terminal


wvs project clone --sshUrl <sshUrl>

Example: wvs project clone –sshUrl

Clone with HTTPS

Cloning with HTTPS is currently unavailable and is being tracked in Issue 275. Check back soon with updates.

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